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Through specialized acupuncture and herbal medicine programs, Dr. Djordjevic works with couples seeking to enhance their natural fertility and the doctors they are seeing to assist in their attempts to conceive. 

The essence of the Horus approach is to take a closer look at the body from a holistic perspective and correct any and all imbalances that may be contributing to fertility problems. Our mission is to help restore your fertility so that you can conceive naturally or increase your success rates if doing assisted therapies.
It is our strong belief that all women and men should strive for optimal health when planning to begin a family. The reproductive system works much like a concert symphony — a masterpiece is created only if all the players are giving their best. Women may have clues that their periods are not healthy; they may have lots of PMS symptoms or pain, heavy bleeding or irregular cycles. The first goal of the fertility wellness program is to educate women on the details of their menstrual cycles — to help them interpret BBT charts, identify cervical fluid, understand how the hormones interplay and work to create an optimal fertile environment. Then we use the tools within the fertility wellness program to attain better balance. These are:
• Acupuncture
• Relaxation and stress reduction
• Diet therapy
• Chinese Herbal Medicine
• Lifestyle modifications to promote better health in general
• Abdominal massage
• Complimentary care for Assisted Reproductive Therapy procedures
Why Use Acupuncture for Infertility?
Current research points to increased pregnancy rates when couples include acupuncture as part of their infertility care. Acupuncture offers a natural approach to treating infertility by focusing on enhancing the quality of eggs, sperm, endometrial lining and cervical fluid. Sometimes this is enough for couples to conceive on their own and it is a very important step for couples who are about to undergo the expense and physical demands of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). Acupuncture can also support patients during In Vitro Fertilization, Artificial Insemination, and Hormonal Therapy cycles.